Rules for parents
Payments shall be made monthly, in advance, no later than the 25th day of the month. Such payment reserves the spot for your child for the next calendar month (from 1st to 31st). If you decide to pause the tutoring, please notify the tutoring center no later than the 23rd day of the month before the pause. If you did not notify the center about your intention to pause or stop the tutoring, then you understand that your child’s spot stays reserved, and you agree to make a full payment for that calendar month. Note, however, that we cannot guarantee the spot in the same group for your child if you later decide to resume the tutoring again. No payment will be returned or prorated if you decided to stop tutoring and did not notify the center by the 23rd day of the current month.
It is important to remember that «Vasilisa Tutoring Center» will be closed to celebrate the following national holidays. Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Independence day, Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Halloween. The center will also be closed during the winter break from December 24 to January 2. The payment for these days is considered to be reimbursed during the year, when periodically, the center provides free classes during the months with five classes in the month.
There are no make ups, refunds or free classes next month for missed days!
There are no make ups, refunds or free classes next month for missed days!
Please do not be late to pick up your little ones after classes. If we notice that you regularly come late, we will ask you to compensate the babysitting of your child. The rate is $1 for each 1 minute of lateness.
The students have to have books stipulated by our academic program. We do not force you to buy books from us, although it is the cheapest and most convenient way to get them, but please make sure your child has a book in any format for the class. We do not provide copies.
If you are going to leave for a vacation in the middle of the month, we do not return the payment or make recalculation of the fees. Please notify us before you leave and then instead of paying for the whole month you can use a drop in option (i.e. pay for the individual classes). In this case you pay regular price plus 30%.
We form groups considering the age and language skill level of children. The groups can be from 3 to 10 students. This is the quantity, which allows kids to enjoy the lessons, interact with the classmates and make significant progress in studying the subject.
We do not provide food for the students. Please bring a snack for your child if you think it is necessary for her or him. Pack a lunch if you come for a Saturday school.
We can refuse service to anyone!
We can refuse service to anyone!